2016 Convention Schedule

It used to be that "convention season" ran from about March through October - this year, I'm doing my first show next week, and I have stuff booked all the way through November. Since the wild ride is about to begin once again, I thought it might simplify things a bit to have all my convention appearances for the year in one place, so I could refer people to them when they ask, and we can all make plans to see each other as many times as possible. With that in mind, here's the list as it stands right now:

January 27-29 - Festival International de la Bande Dessinée d'Angoulême - Angoulême, France (my series Letter 44, drawn by the wonderful Alberto Jimenez Alburquerque and published in the US by Oni Press, was also published in French for the first time in 2015 by Glenat. Letter 44 is part of the official selection slate this year, along with some other lovely books, so I'll be there!)

February 12-14 - Amazing Phoenix Comic Con

March 5-6 - Armageddon Con Manukau (Auckland, New Zealand)

March 12-13 - Armageddon Con Christchurch (Also New Zealand!)

March 25-27 - WonderCon (Los Angeles)

April 28-May 1 - Calgary Expo

June 17-19 - Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con

September 2-4 - Baltimore Comicon

September 10-11 - Rose City Comicon (Portland)

September 23-25 - Wizard World Austin

You'll note that I mentioned that I'm booked into November, but the list above only goes through September. There are several things for the fall that haven't been announced yet, and I'd like to give those shows the chance to put it out there first - but they're all cool.

My plan for this year was to hit places I hadn't been to before, as well as do some shows with friends - always nice. I'll update this page as more things are announced, but I feel like this is probably about it for 2016 - I learned last year (and the year before that... and the year before that...) that as much as I love doing shows, there's a lot to be said for being home, too.