I don't know if you're reading this on the main blog home page at or somewhere else, but if you're at the main page, you can see some links over to the right ------>. Man, I need to update those things. While I think those are all great series, I mean, 27 came out in 2010/2011. I've done a fair bit of work since then. On the list it goes.

Today is a big day! The first issue of my Lando series with Alex Maleev  comes out today, and it's also the day that the first issue of my Civil War series with Leinil Yu hits. Kind of crazy.

The other big announcement is that I'm writing Daredevil, with Ron Garney on the art, starting this fall. Also crazy. I've done a few interviews talking about my take - one just hit at the AV Club, and I did another for with some additional information that should be popping up soon. I'll try to do a post here with some thoughts soon as well.

Beyond that, just writing, writing. I have a few new creator-owned things I plan to show around a bit in San Diego, and I just finished a pretty substantial draft of a novel called The Oracle Year that I hope will be out in the world relatively soon. That side of things is really complex, though, and it's hard to say whether it will work out. I'm proud of it, though, and I hope you will get to read it, if you're so inclined.

Okay, enough with the updates! My schedule for this weekend is packed, with lots of interviews and signings and so on. Here are the highlights:

Thursday, July 9

4:30 PM - Marvel Panel, Inhumans and Mutants, with Jeff Lemire, among others. This one should be interesting - Jeff's the new head writer for the X-Men side at Marvel, and I'm currently leading the charge for the Inhumans. We will discuss such things.

Friday, July 10

10 AM - Marvel Secret Wars Panel - I'll be discussing Attilan Rising, Civil War and the state of the huge Secret Wars event. Should be great.

1 PM - Signing at the Marvel booth.

3 PM - Signing at the Oni booth.

Saturday, July 11

1 PM - Signing at the Marvel booth.

2:45 PM - Marvel Cup O' Joe panel - probably discussing Lando and Daredevil, I think.

4 PM - Childhood Dreams Come True: Writing Licensed Characters - at which I will discuss my childhood dreams.

The other thing - I plan to bring a very limited number of the Lando #1 exclusive variant Alex Maleev and I did (see the post directly before this one for info) and I'll have them available. How exactly that will work I'm not sure, since I don't have a table, but if that's something you're interested in then I strongly suggest you follow me on Twitter (

See you in California!